A subtle but important difference between auth and list is that list is a closure, whereas auth is a private method. ( Closures use an equals sign in the definition; methods use parentheses.) auth和list之间微妙但重要的一点区别是list是一个闭包,而auth是一个私有方法(闭包在定义中使用等号;方法使用圆括号)。
The noncopyable class definition presents no surprises, as the copy constructor and operator= are declared private. noncopyable类定义没有什么令人感到新奇的地方,因为copyconstructor和operator=声明为private。
While their content is, of course, private, their definition is not. 当然,虽然它们的内容是私有的,但其定义却不是私有的。
The problem with private deals is that disclosure standards are by definition far lower than in public markets. 私人融资交易的问题在于,顾名思义,其披露标准会远远低于公开市场。
Employees of private enterprises in research papers performance appraisal status quo, and analyze the shortcomings of its existence based on completing the definition of key employees; 论文在研究民营企业员工绩效考核现状,并分析其存在的不足之处的基础之上,完成了核心员工的界定;
But to be able to reach any private data within a user defined class you have to declare the global function as a friend within the definition of the class. 为了访问一个用户定义的类里的私有数据,你必须声明全局函数为友元函数,并且在类中定义。
A Comparative Study of Private Party: From the Angle of Its Intension, extension and Definition 行政相对人之比较研究&以其内涵、外延、界定为视角
There are those who have difficulties counting to zero, who cannot add up the global private, public, and foreign balances, which must equal zero by definition. 一类是难以得到零和结果的人将全球私人部门、公共部门与外汇收支差额加总后,他们无法得到按定义必须等于零的结果。
Any public/ private variable defined in an action handler implementation class can be configured through process definition. 任何定义在动作处理器中的public/private变量都可以通过流程定义进行配置。
The author analyzes in detail the reasons for defining purchasers of private securities offerings in the United States and Taiwan and notions in China about definition of the purchasers of private offerings, and suggests the defining standards for the purchasers of private securities offerings in China. 笔者在详细分析了美国与台湾地区对于私募发行对象的界定方法后,对中国私募对象界定的理念进行分析,并建立了中国私募发行对象的界定标准。
The shared business process is the mid-tier by which the global process could monitor and control the private business process. According to the process model a business process definition language for VE ( VE_BPDL) is also defined. 该模型将虚拟企业工作流划分为全局业务过程、共享业务过程和私有业务过程三个逻辑层次,通过共享业务过程为中介,盟主企业可实现对各伙伴企业的私有业务过程进行协调和控制。
The nature of private enterprises can be demonstrated through the definition of capital in particular. 根据资本一般定义,确认公有资本概念,这又是新的资本特殊。在私营企业存在剥削关系。
The thesis first compares different definitions of the private placement fund given by different scholars, and then makes a law definition. 本文首先比较了学者对私募基金内涵的不同界定,对私募基金作了法律界定。
Firstly, this paper presents the basic theories on the private economy, including the definition of private economy, the characteristics based on the properties rights theory and the functions of it. 本文首先介绍了民营经济的基本理论问题,即民营经济的内涵、产权理论对于民营经济发展的作用、地位和作用。
Therefore, to seek sustainable development, small and medium sized private enterprises has to choose the rational ways in conception renewal, property rights definition and management innovation. 因此,中小民营企业要谋求可持续发展,就必须在观念更新、产权界定、管理创新等方面作出理性的路径选择。
The second part introduces the profile of Wenzhou private finance, including concept definition of Wenzhou private finance, the formation and development, and a variety of operation forms. 第二部分对温州民间金融的概况进行介绍,包括温州民间金融的概念界定、形成发展过程与各种运作形式。
The second part is a general analysis of private equity funds, including the introduction of the private equity fund concept definition, type and feature of three aspects. 第二部分是私募基金的一般分析,包括介绍了私募基金概念界定、类别和显著特点三方面。
Through the review of the domestic and foreign scholars 'literature on the connotation and strategy of private universities service marketing, the definition and dimensions of private universities brand equity, and marketing strategies' influence on brand equity. 通过回顾国内外学者对民办高校服务营销的内涵、策略,民办高校品牌资产定义、维度,及营销策略对品牌资产影响等方面的文献,指出现有研究存在的不足及本文所探索的方向。
For private funds in the legal definition, theorists and practitioners have been in dispute. 对于私募基金在法律上的界定,理论界和实务界也一直存在争论。
Therefore, based on the current concepts and combining with the fixed characteristics of the private copying behaviors, this text improves the definition of Private Copying and "Correct Name" for the Private Copying. 因此,本文在总结现有概念的基础上,结合私人复制行为的固有特征,对私人复制的定义加以完善,为私人复制正名。
Identified in the public interest that should be strictly differentiated from private interests, social interests, the interests of different countries in order to ensure the accurate definition of public interest. 在公共利益的认定中应当严格区分其与私人利益、社会利益、国家利益的不同,才能保证准确的界定公共利益。
One is that the current nature of legal person of the private colleges is fuzzy. Its main representations include that the legal nature of the definition is unclear, legal independence is not strong and the corporate governance structure is not sound. 一是当前民办高校的法人性质模糊,主要表现为法人性质界定不清,法人独立性不强和法人治理结构不健全。
The second part: the summary of private placement fund, including its definition, characteristics, and its organizational form. 第二部分从私募基金的定义入手,对私募基金进行界定,分析其特点,阐明其组织形式。
This article from the private universities, private colleges and universities counselor definition, analyses and discusses the characteristics of private college students and construction of Harmonious Private College Counselors and students the importance of. 本文从民办高校、民办高校辅导员界定入手,分析探讨了民办高校学生特点以及构建和谐民办高校辅导员与学生关系的重要意义。
The first chapter introduces the development progress of the weak protection system in the field of private international law, and then discusses the definition of "weak" in the field of private international law both from content and scope of "weak". 第一章首先详细介绍了国际私法中弱者利益保护制度的发展过程,然后从国际私法中弱者的内涵和范围两个方面,探讨了国际私法中弱者的界定问题。
Based on the related theory of enterprise performance evaluation, this article compares traditional private enterprise performance evaluation method and EVA evaluation method on the basis of introduction of the origin, definition and general calculation method of EVA. 本文基于企业业绩评价的相关理论,在介绍了关于经济增加值的起源、定义和一般计算方法等基本知识的基础上,对传统的民营企业业绩评价方法和EVA评价方法进行分析比较。
This paper takes the art style of Chinese private teleplay as a research subject, and also discusses the cause of this art style. This paper clearly define the Chinese private teleplay in the definition, combed its developing process. 本文以中国民营电视剧的艺术风貌及成因作为研究课题,明确界定了中国民营电视剧的定义,梳理了中国民营电视剧的发展历程。
Intellectual property rights are private rights, the definition of abuse of intellectual property and regulatory interests should follow the balancing principle. 知识产权属于私权,对知识产权滥用的界定和规制理应遵循利益平衡原则。